Eerder maakten wij bekend dat Prince dit jaar een nieuw album gaat uitbrengen met zijn band 3rdEyeGirl. Het album, getiteld ‘HITNRUN’ (voorheen ‘The Hit & Run Album’) zal uitgebracht worden via het streaming media medium Tidal. ‘HITNRUN’ is de opvolger van de in 2014 gereleaste albums ‘Art Official Age’ en ‘PlectrumElectrum’. ‘HITNRUN’ zal vanaf 7 september beschikbaar zijn.

In een verklaring liet Prince weten waarom hij in zee ging met Tidal:“After one meeting, it was obvious that Jay Z and the team he has assembled at Tidal recognize and applaud the effort that real musicians put in2 their craft 2 achieve the very best they can at this pivotal time in the music industry. Secondly, Tidal have honored Us with a non-restrictive arrangement that once again allows Us to continue making art in the fashion We’ve grown accustomed 2 and We’re Extremely grateful 4 their generous support. And lastly, in the tech-savvy, real-time world We all live in 2day, everything is faster. From its conception and that one & only meeting, ‘HITNRUN’ took about 90 days 2 prepare its release. If that’s what freedom feels like, ‘HITNRUN’ is what it sounds like”.